Sunday, August 28, 2011

Theory #2: In some ways you can 'hear' from your skin

What is hearing? Or the ability to hear? It is just sound waves beating on your ear, causing vibrations that translate into words, music, or gibberish, to us. Sound waves that go to your ear. If you put your computer’s speakers onto your foot, you will still hear it- because the waves just travel around your foot and go to your ears again. Now I will tell you what I mean by “Hearing from your Skin”. Rub your finger on your desk. Apply some pressure so you can’t freely move it around. Move it from side to side, up and down, while pressing down with significant pressure
Here is where it comes. Note: This only works if you are not bold.   
Do the exact same movement onto the center of your head, but slower and more forceful. You “hear” some crunching noises; in fact you can’t really describe what you are listening to. It is because what you are hearing is sound that your skin “hears”. If you dont believe me, plug your ears with anything, and everything, you want. Now try it again. You will hear it again, and even better- because you blocked out the outside noise. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Obese Hematite

Today I went to the sea. Again. And to a different beach. Again. And I found something new. Again.

Yes, today I found a rock that had a weight problem. I was normaly swimming with my goggles when suddenly, a strange rock caught my eye. It was not like any other rock because it was fat. And it bulged. 

Fat rock angle #1

Fat rock angle #2

So being the average me I took it home. Where I e-mailed pictures of it to a geologist. That I found on the internet. After a few (four) hours of eagerly waiting, I received an email. From the geoloman. I was expecting that I found a priceless gem. He said it was quartz. Infested with iron. Hematite as he called it. One Wikipedia searching minute later I found out it was  Fe2O3. Or a more fancy cousin of rust. 

By God, that's fat. 
At least it was still fat and bulging rust. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Artifacts Within Rocks

Lately, I've been going to the beach more often, probably because it's summer. I'm on an island right now so not many people go to the same beach as me.

Anyway, sometimes when I go snorkeling, and there are many broken pieces of pottery and such ceramic things. These aren't old though, maybe within the decade, so they aren't of much value and they aren't that interesting to see either. However, there are many many large rocks about 50 feet in and each rock has something interesting. One rock may have a sea cucumber on, while the other is a house for a family of sea urchins. Sometimes, I pick up and move the larger rocks which are about 60 pounds each and roughly 3 feet by 4 feet. Usually, there isn't really anything underneath except some sea shells, and maybe some small crabs. This is where it gets interesting. The other day I was going on about swimming and flipping rocks when a strange shaped rock appeared. It seemed like it was a normal rock, but there was something exposed out of it- something, also a rock, but like the shape of a bagel and the size of 3. 
Picture after I broke it

I looked at it for a while and realized I wanted to break it- nay, I had to break it- so I can see why it is shaped like that and what is inside.Unfortunately I didn't take the pictures before I broke, it because I did not expect I would find anything. I kept chipping it of so the rock get smaller and smaller, and then suddenly, I heard a thump. When I was breaking it the noise was what you would expect from smashing two rocks together, however the thump I heard was like a clink; almost metallic in nature. I started seeing the object that was concealed within it. I was right. It was metal.

Object inside rock

The moment I completely unraveled it from it's rock compartment, I realized it sort of looked like a necklace. 
Even though what I found was bendy (I accidentally bent it a bit) I didn't dare bend it too much because I know it was very old. When I took it home, after taking a lot of pictures, I tested it out on my magnet. It was very magnetic- that confirms it is metal. I also know that it is mostly made of iron, due to it's magnetism. Another factor that validated that it was not any other type of metal was that when I brought it home, after a few days it rusted. A lot

It happened again.

Today I was to a different beach, one mile north of the beach were I found my necklace artifact. As usual, I was snorkeling and minding my own business when all of a sudden I saw a rock that looked like it had the same composition of the other rock that enclosed the necklace thing. Instinctively I dived down to grab it and all of a sudden I realized it did have the same composition as the 'artifact rock'.

So I took it to shore and this time I did not brake it- yet. I took it home so i can examine it closer and take pictures. And pictures did I take. 28 pictures of a 1 foot long cylinder rock. I first just cracked it with a hammer, just so I can see what was inside. Sure enough, it opened a bit and I saw that it was very close looking to the other rock I found. 

There was just one thing different. 

This wasn't metal. No, this wasn't metal, glass, wood, ceramic, shell, or rock. This was rope. Ancient rope.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Science Theory: Human Vision Shape

What is vision? Vision is the faculty or state of being able to see. Humans see with their eyes as most of you know. The human eye is closest to a sphere, then any other shape. Our pupil (the little black thing), is a circle. Similarly, our iris (the colored thing that surrounds the eye), our lens (the part beneath the pupil and iris), and our cornea (which is the tiny bulge over the pupil and the iris), are mostly circlesHowever, just because most of our eye parts are circles and spheres, does that mean that the shape we see in, will also be a circle? What I mean by 'shape', is the area that we are able to see.  Look around you. You just see the things around you. However, what you don't realize is the area in which you see. What shape do you see in? Looking into infinity, it is very hard to explain the shape- that's why their is an easier way. Go to a nearby wall, or to a table. Now, stand in such a way that your nose will be touching the wall/table. Note: The farther away you step away from the wall while doing the experiment, the larger the image, and vice versa. Once you decide the distance of your eyes to the wall stare at one point parallel to your glabella (See picture below image).

Keep concentrating at that specific point without moving your eyes in any direction (it's okay if you are cross eyed while doing it). Now, bring your index finger into view on the top right- but barely, so that you can only just see your finger nail. Now make a little mark at the point that you can barely see your finger, without moving your eyes. Do the above steps 3 more times, at the top left, bottom left, and bottom right. When you mark all those spots (without moving your eyes) start getting a little bit more specific. Try to put your index finger at a point between the top right and top left, and make the length in between marks smaller and smaller. You will eventually begin to see a frame or shape. Once you begin to see a noticeable pattern, frame, line, or shape. You can now step away from the wall and view what you did other than writing on your wall. This is the Human Vision Shape. What intrigued me with my H.V.S was that it was not a geometric figure. I mean I wasn't expecting a perfect circle, but I wasn't expecting what I got either. The closest shape to mine is probably a trapezoid. Of coarse, there are many variables to what size and what shape your H.V.S is, like how wide you open your eyes, or if you move them a bit, maybe even your race (maybe if you are Asian, then the shape is smaller). I got my shape, with my eyes at a natural 'state'(I wasn't forcefully making them wider), and with my nose on a table, with a piece of paper, however the picture you see is a rough computer drawing of what I got.